Sunday, March 30, 2014

Jesus is my rock

Psalm 62

For the director of music. For Jeduthun. A psalm of David.
1 My soul finds rest in God alone;
my salvation comes from him.2 He alone is my rock and my salvation;
he is my fortress, I will never be shaken.
3 How long will you assault a man?
Would all of you throw him down—
this leaning wall, this tottering fence?
4 They fully intend to topple him
from his lofty place;
they take delight in lies.
With their mouths they bless,
but in their hearts they curse.
5 Find rest, O my soul, in God alone;
my hope comes from him.
6 He alone is my rock and my salvation;
he is my fortress, I will not be shaken.
7 My salvation and my honor depend on God a
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he is my mighty rock, my refuge.
8 Trust in him at all times, O people;
pour out your hearts to him,
for God is our refuge.
9 Lowborn men are but a breath,
the highborn are but a lie;
if weighed on a balance, they are nothing;
together they are only a breath.
10 Do not trust in extortion
or take pride in stolen goods;
though your riches increase,
do not set your heart on them.
11 One thing God has spoken,
two things have I heard:
that you, O God, are strong,
12 and that you, O Lord, are loving.
Surely you will reward each person
according to what he has done.

Trust in Him alone and not in man, or your wealth or your health. He along is your rock. In him you can rest. Man i love this psalm, What a depth it has. It gives your heart a healing touch from God.

Self Breast Examination

Breast self examination and its benefits Why? Every women must do self breast examination because it has a proven benefit in early diagnosis of Breast disorder and cancer. It is said that 1 in every 8 women before the age of 80 will have the diagnosis of breast Cancer. So never under-estimate yourself, do the self examination once a month. Some experts believe that it that the risks outweigh the benefits. Is any preparation needed for the BSE?- None How? It is easy and simple to do the BSE. Here Are the steps.Inspection of the Breast- The initial step in SEB is standing in front of the mirror and seeing the breasts, for their shape, contour, skin changes, any bumps or lumps protrusion, change in size in the frontal view and the right and left view of the breasts. Palpation of the breast- The next step is feeling the breast, it is done in many ways, the easiest way is feeling the breast in a circular fashion starting from around the nipple to the base of the breast. during the procedure you will have to lift the same side arm and feel with the opposite hand. You are trying to get the feel of the breast once you feel and know how a breast feels you will be able to sense any difference if in case you stumble upon any lump or bump in the breast tissue. Breast has a feel of dough on light palpation, if you feel the breast with greater strength it may feel like sand in a plastic envelope. Feeling the area under the armpits- The armpit is like a roof of a house it has two sides and a top or the tip of the roof. You have to along the side walls of the armpit and the tip for any lumps. If there is a lump, its texture and shape is that of a firm bean soaked in water. Some time you might feel something similar to the breast tissue in the armpits, don’t be worried itis accessory breast tissue and some women around 2 -6 in every 100 women(1) may have such a tissue which is normal variation.(1) Ref Journal of American society of plastic surgeons volume 128, issue 1 june 2011 What are the findings that you have to worry about and see your GP? 1. If you feel a discrete lump. 2. If there are thickened cord like structure in the breast. 3. Skin looks and feels different 4. Anykind ofbloody discharge from the nippple. 5. Lumps in the arm pits. 6. Sudden discrepancy in the size of the breast. 7. One breast unusually pulled up than the other. When? The best time to do BSE is a week after the period when the breast is supple and has no tenderness or a lumpy feeling. Where? You can do the BSE in your bedroom or while you take a bath. It is easier to so the BSE with soapy fingers. Benefits 1) Peace of mind. 2) Being in control of your own body to some extent. 3) Being more cautious and meeting the GP as soon as noticing any chances. Disadvantages 1)Undue stress. 2) Some of the women become paranoid and start suffering from anxiety and tension imagingthat they have breast cancer. 3) Making mountain out of a mole happens sometimes. NHS and American Cancer Society says? NHS Wants women to be breast aware 1) Every women should know what is normal breast for her, how it feels and look. 2) Women should know what changes to look for? 3) Must report to their GP/FP if any changes is noted. 4) To attend breast screening program when you reach 50 and above. American Cancer Society To BSE is for women who choose to do it. It has benefits and disadvantages. Women must report ant changes noted in their breast to their GP/FP.